Best creative, best ideas, best suppliers
The aim is to deliver brand experiences into the hands of your customers - timely & value added content.
It’s impossible for the agency to be all those people at once, however using ‘crowd-sourcing principles’ we have created a network of freelance expertise to get the job done... delivering the very best. If your brand is lacking or needs a strong hand to bring it back on track, maybe today is a good time to meet with us!
A proven track record for 40 years
Luxon was established in 1975 and has a proven track record in the core disciplines of marketing strategy, advertising, promotions & now digital; while still delivering enduring customer experiences.
We are a privately owned and operated company with an experienced & talented team and a dedicated network of freelance talent available. Digital engagement, apps, online production & back-room wizardry are all daily touch points for our team.
Media accredited & experienced in the planning and buying for all media disciplines, we have a variety of local, regional, national and multi-national clients and offer them a full service agency, from strategy to implementation.
We are experienced in Sponsorship & Event Management; Direct Marketing; Sales Promotions & Delivering Customer Experiences; Brand Development and Campaign Planning & implementation across off-line & online platforms.
As your customers flock to the online environment, the skill and mastery of proven marketing principles begin to merge with the dynamic online space. We see our role in building relationships, loyalty and advocacy amount our clients customers to drive ongoing success and profitability. Online or offline, the focus is the same!
Our work
We're storytellers creating memorable narratives for brands in the hearts & minds of your customers - where stories become experiences.
Whether your focus is customer acquisition, managing the customer lifecycle or delivering rockstar customer experiences - we've been there in some shape or form. Browse through this small smattering of work and see what resonates!
Then, lets talk...
for in depth case studies check out our blog
Prefer the direct approach?
To find out more about how we can help or to see more samples of our work, please give us a call or send us an email - we'd love to chat!
Luxon Advertising
Level One
171 Victoria Street
Elliott Duston, Managing Director
+64 21 763 342
+64 3 962 0333