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Entries in Portlink (2)


Portlink jumps in leaps and bounds 

David Mortimer, chief executive of Arcus Developments, left, and Tom Thomson, managing director of Elastomer Products, at Portlink Park.

Developer David Mortimer of Arcus Developments has announced that another three major brands will join Kathmandu at Portlink Park close to the port of Lyttelton.

When Luxon designed the brand for Portlink we clearly identified Portlink's strenghts, one of them being its proximity to Lyttelton and the significant advantage this gave businesses shipping to and from South Island markets. 

Even after the devastating Christchurch earthquakes, the strategy for Portlink stands firm and as sound as ever and again highlights that smart and purposeful thinking at the planning stage, delivers it weight in gold.

At Luxon we take some pride in our exercising our strategic know-how across almost every sector for everyone of our clients.


To read the Stuff story click HERE


Kathmandu settles into Portlink


Building a 5000sqm national distribution centre within months of a major earthquake & aftershock sequence shows vision, commitment & resilience. Portlink Park, a Luxon client, handed over to Kathmandu its brand new facility at a very special event.

Christchurch based retailer Kathmandu is preparing to move into it new national distribution centre at Portlink Industrial Park.

David Mortimer of Arcus Developments commented how “It is a great name to have as our first design build.” Kathmandu signed a lease in May 2011, with the site’s proximity to the February 2011 earthquake not being a concern as long as the building was built to the required standards. The distribution centre exceeds the new seismic building standards.

This kind of progressive vision, commitment to producing a quality end product and flexible resilience has proved a winning combination for both Kathmandu, Arcus and Portlink. 

Let’s hope other brave visionaries will soon follow suit!
